.. include:: ../CONTRIBUTING.rst :start-after: begin_contributing_md :end-before: contributing_md Debugging Tips ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ``-d`` or ``--debug`` option enables a global exception catcher which invokes pdb when an exception is about to break out of `main()` for post-mortem debugging. This is an advanced feature intended for developers only, and you need to be familiar with pdb commands in order to use this feature effectively. This blog post "`Pdb debugging tips `_" lists the most essential pdb commands. ``bip39validator`` includes an option ``--pycharm-debug``. This turns off the global exception catcher and lets runaway exceptions get caught by Pycharm's debug mode. Despite its name, it works with other IDEs as well. Use this option if your IDE offers a better debugging experience than command-line pdb. Donate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are not a developer then there is another way to contribute to this project. You can support future development of BIP39 Validator by sending bitcoin to my address, **bc1q4djl6pxt90nfs8fufdul26ufxukxxrczsfjj0h** or equivalently, click the Donate button at the left of this documentation.