
Why the need for a utility that validates BIP39 wordlists? To see why an automated verification system is needed, it’s necessary to understand how wordlists are presently merged into the BIP39 spec.

As easly as 2014, people have submitted several word lists as pull requests. More often than not, the merging process stalled, because none of the [Bitcoin organization members on Github]( (authors) approved it for merging. Sometimes it is because a handful of words are too similar to each other, and no progress was made since then.

Wordlists have 2048 words in them. Going through each of those words to check them is a very tedious process, and automated verification for some of the tests helps to avoid trivial errors in the word request that could cause authors to request you to fix first.

BIP39 Validator has one goal: to become the standard way to check wordlists for quality before merging into the official BIP tree. For wordlist submitters to use it before submitting a pull request, and for authors to use it to ensure that submitters have done basic checks on their wordlist first.

The current version, (1.0.0) is a pilot to test whether this tool will gain traction in the Bitcoin community. It includes checks for three different tests: Levenshtein distances, initial unique characters and maximum length. If it succeeds, additional tests might be implemented in the future, such as checking for similarity to words in other languages’ word lists (this can be done using googletrans and NLTK), and checking for offensive or bad words.